Training & Education

Fondazione Gianni Benzi delivers educational and training activities with the aim to foster a continuous multi-specialistic update on the most recent novelties in the healthcare sector through the exchange of experiences and knowledge among companies, academics, regulators and patients.

Annually, Fondazione Gianni Benzi organises the Foresight Training Course (FTC), a short international course aimed to promote pharmacological research and innovation.

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    Here below, you can freely access and download the material (e.g. speakers' presentations) provided during the last three training courses by submitting the form.

      Privacy* EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) - Si autorizza al trattamento dei dati contenuti nel presente modulo al solo uso interno. È possibile in ogni momento chiederne la cancellazione.Leggi la nostra privacy policy

      *: campi obbligatori

      Di seguito, inviando il form, puoi accedere e scaricare gratuitamente il materiale (e.g. presentazioni dei relatori) fornito durante le ultime 3 edizioni del FTC.


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